25 Ιανουαρίου 2020, Exercise can do more for your health than medications! - Harvard Medical School
What’s the one prescription that can lower your risk for 5 major diseases — with NO side effects?
If you guessed exercise, you’re absolutely right!
Exercise has the power to keep you from developing high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and some forms of cancer. In fact, exercise can lower your risk of heart disease as effectively as medications!
It can also help ease arthritis pain, sharpen your memory, trim your waistline, and preserve your independence.
So why isn’t everyone exercising?
One of the biggest reasons is not knowing where to start, or finding a program that’s easy to stick with. That’s why Harvard Medical School experts created Starting to Exercise. This guide helps you choose the best, safest workout for you; shows you exactly how to do each move; and even helps you fit the routines into your busy schedule.
Starting to Exercise
Discover how to:
✓ Prevent or lower high blood pressure
✓ Increase flexibility in many joints by strengthening muscles
✓ Lower your chance of developing diabetes by nearly 60%
✓ Fight the decline in immune function that happens with age
✓ Prevent the formation of clots in the bloodstream that can lead to heart attack or stroke
✓ And so much more!